Data Collection

Member institutions should gather their own institution lists in compliance with FERPA and local institution policies. In general, students must annually “opt-in” to participate.

Suggested Procedure

  • Contact all junior/senior/Master’s engineering students with a 3.0+ cumulative undergraduate GPA (institutions can use their own discretion of requesting information from students below the 3.0 GPA threshold). It is optional to collect Master’s student information. See the sample email message below for a guide.
  • Create an online form for students to self-enter their information.  Here is a sample of the UF Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering online form.
  • All fields in the online form must be identical to the 2025 ENGINE Download Template.
  • Be sure to monitor who responds and send 5+ timely email reminders over the course of the summer for several weeks/months to those who do not respond.
  • Follow our Tips to Increase ENGINE Student Participation
  • Compile your student information into one Excel or CSV file for upload to ENGINE in August. Please only upload one comprehensive list. ENGINE will not accept multiple lists.
  • Student data should be collected April 1 through August 27 (after final Spring 2025 grades through April/May/June, if possible).

Sample Message


Annually the College of Engineering at YOUR INSTITUTION receives a variety of requests from institutions across the U.S. regarding our junior, senior, and Masters level engineering students. The requests primarily take place during the fall term and involve the promotion of any or all of the following: fellowship opportunities, Ph.D. programs, funded campus visits, summer research internships, Master’s programs, application fee waivers, research symposium invitations, new scholarships, online graduate degrees, graduate recruiting events, webinars and other academic endeavors.

ENGINE is the Engineering National Graduate Institutional Name Exchange. This engineering national consortium was formed for you to be recruited for graduate school from a varying list of engineering and computer science Schools, Colleges and Universities across the U.S.

We recommend you participate in ENGINE. The following website lists the invited and participating institutions:  To participate, simply take 30 seconds to complete this brief online form granting your permission and release of a few basic fields of information to other U.S. institutions.

Please note that once the 2025 ENGINE Database is released to ~85 Universities & Colleges of Engineering. Once released, it cannot be retrieved as it spreads to various graduate student recruiting databases at each institution.




Sample Unsubscribe Message

Attached is a PDF file of a sample unsubscribe message that Official ENGINE Contacts can use or modify to send to their students who ask to be removed from the 2025 ENGINE Database after it has been released.